

The guiding principle of my holistic counselling work is that every person has the inherent capacity to grow and change. Psychotherapist Carl Rogers calls it the ‘constructive actualising tendency of the human organism’ (1959, 2007). He says that development and healing are as natural a part of human behaviour as the impulse to breathe or eat.

My work has always been founded on helping people move towards an open self perception in which more of what they wish for themselves becomes possible.

How can we make this happen? How can we address the blocks that get in the way of the natural tendency towards positive growth?

Dramatic or traumatic events, insecure attachment in childhood, everyday difficulties can interrupt our flourishing and an easy self acceptance.

When relationships don’t flow, when stress overwhelms, when annoying thoughts crowd in or when emotions leave us exhausted – we may begin to experience anxiety or depression, worry or trauma symptoms, or a general sense that something just isn’t right. We lose that easy self acceptance.

We can spend a lot of time trying to push against these things – not to feel the emotion, to blot out the thoughts, to be nice to a tricky person, to battle through stress. This is how we cope. Anything else seems overwhelming.

Holistic Counselling Gisela Boetker

As a holistic counsellor I offer a ‘facilitative relationship’ in which we can begin to work together on issues that seem beyond us when we confront them alone.

I am committed to providing what Rogers describes as ‘unconditional positive regard’. This stance is founded on my unwavering belief that we all have the capacity to heal given the right set of circumstances. The blocks that hinder the innate movement towards calmness can be removed when we have the support that is or was missing when the stress began.

As we are born to grow, so we are born to belong. We grow through our bond with others. The work to change is not always possible on our own. This is why counselling succeeds – because the client/therapist relationship is designed to help with healing.

My approach

My approach is to provide the space to build a relationship in which we share the unfolding of the process and experience of therapy. In my practice I bring a caring, focused and non-judgmental presence.

Get in touch

I am available to discuss any questions you may have via email or phone.


0421 407 004

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